Saturday, June 23, 2012

Work Outs

I'm running to the Gym this week (2 miles away), lifting then running home. Keeping miles low... building base an strength.


  1. Sounds like a good plan....except the first two miles of any run always'll never get to the easier part.

    Last week was first high milage week (30)...gonna back off a bit this week and try and get a couple of pool workouts in on my off days.

  2. Just ran 4 miles in the dark... no widlife this time.

  3. 5mi yesterday; today-off; tomorrow- 3mi, Wed. 5mi; thurs. 3mi; sat 4; sun 6. i'm tired just thinking of it.

    I feel like I am shuffling more than running. no strength in the legs yet.

  4. So my total goal is to get to 35-40 miles/week. Does that make sense or do you all feel it should be more?

    1. Seems about right to me. For what it's worth most of my training weeks for last years ultra were between 30-40 miles with a couple of 50 mile weeks 3-4 weeks before the race. I think Jason will agree that anyone that says they consistently pull 50+ mile weeks either is full of shit or has no they are physically draining in a big way.

  5. I'm glad we choose one of the hottest and driest summers on record to train for if it's not challenging enough. This week was sun-9 mon-5 tue-6(half of which was speed work to break up the monotony) wed-off thur-6 today-off tomorrow-depends how damn hot it is.

  6. 6 miles this morning.... i hate running when I wake up!
