Friday, August 10, 2012

Pre-Race Planning with Beer

Dave and I were discussing the idea of getting together in Syracuse to discuss logistics of the race. The Sunday of Labor Day would work for us...everyone can come to our house for food, beer, and swimming. Let me know what you think. If this date doesn't work, throw out some other dates and we can figure something out.


  1. That sounds great! Let me check dates and I will get back. Also, are we doing our regular weekend this year too?

  2. I am in. Sorry didn't post this myself...tough it would have been rude for me to invite folks over to Brian's house.

  3. I'll be coming up alone. MIchelle is going w/the kids and her mom to their allegany county property. Am flexible with time.

  4. I got the whole family coming...a time and address would be helpful for me!

    Anybody hear from Mick?

    1. Glad you are bringing the whole clan it will be nice to meet them. Can't promise how warm the pool will be but make sure the kids bring their suits. Liz said 3pm (I'm not allowed to be involved in any social coordination). Mick and family are coming as well. He had mentioned adding a 6th runner that he knows but I haven't heard back on if that is going to happen or not.

      As far as I know the Stone's and Dave are staying at our place which means CASA DE LUTZ is full (however several tent camping sites are still available in the back yard) - Jason may have room. If you are looking to stay over give him a call.

      Address is :4954 Look Kinney Circle, Liverpool

  5. We booked a hotel. so we are good. See you tomorrow at 3!

  6. Good call. We are getting an addition on the house and would all be functioning with a 1/2 bath..... STINKY
